A little more about me
I live in beautiful Western Australian. I feel so lucky to live in this amazing country. Summer seems to never end and winter almost doesn't exist. Our children run wild, rock climbing, exploring and swimming at beaches and rivers most of the year round. My heart is most content watching their beautiful little souls out there in the sun and sand. I grew up as an only child, so for me it is fascinating to watch them together. I knew from an early age that I wanted a big family, I had planned on five children. At this point I am not sure that number five will come along, four is certainly keeping me busy!
Outside of motherhood I have spent many year studying at University, my degree is science based. When looking for gender swaying techniques I was always on the hunt for 'evidence'. I love to travel and drive my husband crazy by constantly fantasizing about our next trip. I love good food and wine. I would describe myself as a risk taker in life. I am a people person and love a good chat! One of my greatest challenges is writing, so I apologise in advance if reading my blogs is frustrating.
The Girl Diet Ebook
To create this recipe book was an enormous process. I do not say that lightly. It took thousands of hours working away at my computer. The research and recipe compilations and alone took me over a year. I worked away as if it was my job, there was no cutting corners. It has been one of the most rewarding things I have created.
Because I created it for myself, to ensure that if I was going to do this diet ‘experiment’ I was going to give it my all. I do not do things by halves, and although I went into this fully informed and completely open to have another son I knew in my heart that I would find peace in whatever outcome was to be if I gave it my all.
Why a Diet?
Evidence suggests that a strict diet following very specific mineral guidelines significantly increases the chances of conceiving a particular sex. Dr Joseph Stolkowski and Dr Jacques Lorrain conducted a series of studies on 281 women in Europe and North America. Their findings have been published in the international journal of Gynaecology and obstetrics. The findings suggest that over 80% of the women that followed that guidelineof the diet program conceived a child of the desired sex.
Many studies have replicated this experiment. My recipe book, The Girl Diet has been made to adhere to the strict guidelines of the Stolkowski and Lorrain experiment. The basis of the girl diet is to consume a diet high in calcium and magnesium and low is potassium and sodium. Specifically, women must consume a minimum of 1,528 milligrams of calcium per day, a minimum of 254 milligrams of magnesium per day, a maximum of 675 milligrams of Sodium per day and a maximum of 2,947 milligrams of potassium per day. This is to be supplemented with calcium and vitamin D each day. Following these guidelines has resulted in a success rate of between 81-86%.